Motorcycle Storage Ottawa – Winter Storage Solution
If you are paying rent to store your motorcycle in a storage unit throughout the Ottawa area, then ‘Stop’! Take one of our prefab storage sheds in consideration. This motorcycle storage shed is Ottawa’s perfect winter storage solution, built to match your home or cottages design. They are conveniently delivered throughout Ottawa and the surrounding area, fully-assembled & ready for immediate use. Why not clean out the garage this season and store your motorcycle, lawnmower, or ATV in a place all their own?
Our Motorcycle storage sheds (named after their most common use) are also great for storing your garden tools, winter tires, riding toys and more.
If you’re looking for one of our portable garage storage shed units but smaller than 12′ X 18′, then this motorcycle storage shed design is for you.
Each motorcycle storage shed comes standard with:
- 6′ x 6′ Garage Door (with lock)
- One Man Door (with lock)
- One Window (with screen)
- Shingle Options
- 50 Year Siding
- Ontario Building Code Approved
Many options are available on the ATV/Motorcycle Storage Sheds including, Sizes, Paint Colours, Shingle Options, as well as optional window and door placement.

Motorcycle Storage Ottawa

Motorcycle Storage Ottawa

Motorcycle Storage Ottawa

Motorcycle Storage Ottawa

Motorcycle Storage Ottawa
Delivered Fully-Assembled & Ready For Use!
👉 See Premium Mini Garage Price List
Standard Exterior Options Include:
- LP Smart Board (50 Year Warranty)
- 13 Paint Colour Options
- 6 Architectural Shingle Designs (Lifetime)
- 6′ X 6′ Garage Door (Lockable)
- Single Entry Door (Lockable)
Flooring Construction:
The interior of the motorcycle Garage Storage Unit includes a very sturdy and tough flooring able to hold all your toys and storage items without a problem very similar to our 12′ Wide Portable Garages.
- Each unit comes standard with 4×4 pressure treated beams running the length of Motorcycle Storage Garage Shed.
- Pressure treated 2×4’s are then added every 12″ on center.
- Lastly, we install 3/4″ thick pressure treated plywood.
The motorcycle storage garages interior matches that of all our engineered building practices. Build to meet and exceed Ontario Building Code requirements. If you decide to obtain a permit for your motorcycle/ATV storage shed, then the application and approval process will never be a problem as our buildings construction has been tested and approved.
Additional Motorcycle/ATV Storage Shed Options:
All of our standard garden shed and portable garage options are also available on these motorcycle storage units. They include
- Motorcycle ramps (for easy access)
- Extra doors & windows
- Workbenches & lofts
- Ventilation options
- For more information on our add-on options click here.